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Dress Code

Dress Code

The Board of Education recognizes that each pupil’s mode of dress and grooming is a manifestation of the pupil’s individual style and individual preferences. The Board will impose its judgment on pupils and parent(s) or legal guardian(s) only when a pupil’s dress and grooming affect the education program of the schools.

All students, grades K-8, are required to dress in a manner that reflects good taste, modesty, and
appropriateness. Choice of garments should be made according to the health, safety and welfare of all students. The School Dress Code is designed to establish guidelines that assist students in making responsible decisions as they select attire that is appropriate for school.

Students are expected to follow the dress code guidelines below. Students who are in violation of the dress code will be asked to change or required to make arrangements to have more suitable clothing brought from home before they will be permitted to return to the school day. Continued defiance of the dress code will result in disciplinary action. Any attire which results in undue attention of the student or disrupts the educational process is in violation of the dress code.


  • Shoes, socks or stockings, and undergarments will be worn properly at all times.
  • No undergarments should be visible.
  • Attire that is excessively sheer, see-through, low-cut, or revealing as to be embarrassing or immodest will not be permitted.
  • Attire that advertises or refers to alcohol, drugs, gangs, weapons, etc. is prohibited.
  • Shorts, dresses, and/or skirts must be fingertip length or longer when standing up straight.
  • Shorts should not have words written across the backside.
  • Pajama pants or tops are not permitted.
  • Shirts/tops must be long enough as to not expose a bare midriff when sitting AND standing.
  • Spaghetti strap style clothing is NOT permitted.
  • Shirts, tops, or dresses should not be see-through, and/or not be backless or strapless.
  • Students are permitted to wear tank tops ONLY if a t-shirt is worn underneath
  • Gloves of any kind are not to be worn during the school day.

Hats/Head Coverings:

  • No hats/head coverings are permitted.
  • Sweat bands, bandanas, or picks are not to be worn in the building.


  • For safety reasons, sandals, flip-flops, or any other open toed footwear must not be worn.

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