(or scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the PDF version)
Components of A Healthy Lunch
Grains must be whole grain rich meaning they contain greater than 50% whole grain or more than 8 g whole grain per serving.
Protein can be in the form of meat or meat alternatives such as hummus, yogurt or cheese.
Fruit is served in half cup servings with students given the option of taking two. We offer fresh/cupped and juice daily.
Vegetables are served in half cup portions with students allowed to choose two. The vegetables are broken into subgroups.
Milk can be offered in 1% white or non-fat white, strawberry or chocolate.
Vegetable Sub-Groups
The more vibrant the color the more nutrients the vegetable contains!
Schools are required to offer students a vegetable choice from each of the five sub-groups on a weekly basis. These Include…
Dark Green, Red/Orange,
Beans/Legumes, Starch, Other
The Nutrition Facts…It’s All About The Calories!
The new focus of regulating portion size is monitoring calories on a weekly basis. Our menu is designed by a Registered Dietitian and a nutrition analysis software is used to calculate the calories of our menu items to make sure they fall within the USDA’s specified calorie ranges for designated age groups.
Grades K-5 Grades 6-8
(Ages 5-10) (ages 11-13)
Lunch Calories 550-650 Lunch Calories 600-700