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Free & Reduced Meals Application Information

Please see the attachment below for the 2024-2025 Free/Reduced Meal Program Application Packet.  

Return the application with your signature to the Superintendent's Office.  Unsigned applications will not be processed. 

Children who were eligible to receive free or reduced lunch during the 2023-2024 school year will continue doing so for the first 30 days of the 2024-2025 school year.  However, a completed and signed application must be received by the district for the child to remain on the free and reduced list.  Please call Mrs. Ulyett at 609-267-9172 x 112 if you have a kindergartner beginning school in September 2024 with a sibling who was eligible last year to receive free or reduced lunch, so the kindergartner may be added to the list.

Children who qualify for free/reduced lunch are also qualified for free/reduced breakfast with the same application.


If you receive a letter in the mail indicating that you have been directly certified, you do NOT have to fill out a meal application.   However, if there is a child in the household that does not appear on the letter, you must call Mrs. Ulyett (609) 267-9172 x 112 to make a correction. 

If your child qualifies for free/reduced lunch/breakfast, this entitles the student to one meal.  A second meal and/or any snack or a la carte item is charged at the full price.


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