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Internet User Agreement
The Eastampton Board of Education offers students access to the district’s computer network for educational use. All users are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway. Families should be aware that some materials accessible via the internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive. While we have screening tools in place to prevent access to most inappropriate sites, students may find ways to access inappropriate materials. The Board of Education and district personnel do not condone student misuse and will revoke a student’s internet privileges if he or she knowingly accesses inappropriate sites. Students are never allowed in the computer labs or access to the Internet without a teacher or school staff member present. Computer users will be held accountable for any deliberate attempt to install and/or run a computer virus or any other material the district deems inappropriate. Users shall not obtain copies of, or modify, files or other data or passwords belonging to the district or other users.
Access is a privilege, not a right, and is given to users who follow all district computer/Internet rules and protocol.
In order to grant access to the Internet, parents/guardians and students must sign the attached Internet User Agreement form. No student may access the Internet without a signed permission form on file in the district.